Integrative Services for Cancer Patients
Jill Schulmann
Center for Cancer Care
Diet, Nutrition and Cancer; Family Health Center – Caring for the Community
Cheryl Lesie
Dietetics, Food, and Nutrition
Dr. Sari Maenza
Internal Medicine
You Can Bounce Back After a Heart Attack
Dr. Smriti Deshmukh, Cardiology, Echocardiology
Navigating Weight Loss Surgery
Sandi Gallo
Bariatric/Weight Loss Surgery
Palliative Care for Our Patients; Emergency Preparation at the Hospital and at Home
Maura Del Bene
Palliative Care
Dr. Erik Larsen
Emergency Preparedness
How Women Can Protect Their Health at Every Age
Dr. Nabil Khoury-Yacoub, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Dr. Farrukh Jafri, Emergency Medicine
Jennifer Hoffman: Social Work, Ann Cuniller: Lactation Consultant, Cheryl Leslie: Dietetics, Food, and Nutrition, Sari Maenz: Nursing
The Most Important Meal of the Day
White Plains Hospital